Friday, March 8, 2013

My Ankles On the Mend!

Hey Everyone, I'm back!!  I can't believe how long it takes for a broken ankle to heal! I have felt so disconnected from so many things since this accident! Today I had my final check up and the doctor said I could start wearing my lace up cowboy boot (instead of the walking boot I've been wearing since my surgery December 20th).  I was moving around pretty good with my 'walking boot' but now I have to use different muscles with my cowboy boot so I am back to being slow again.  But that's okay.  I feel like today is the first day of the rest of my life!  It's spring weather here in Idaho and it should be in the 60's all weekend so I will try to get out as much as possible!   A few weeks ago I took Marty for a walk down the driveway and up the road a bit.  He is very aware of my bad foot next to him and we did very well!  I also was able to groom him a few times (with supervision).  My crutch was a great aide to get him to move away from me when necessary. So, I will take it slow and easy and start back in the round pen with him when I feel the time is right.  He's very patient with me and very understanding....

Thanks again Doctor Holley!